Control Panel
Deposition of specimens in the Lawrence R. Penner Parasitology Collection involves 4 steps:
1. Download, complete and sign the Specimen Transfer Form.
2. Download and complete the Specimen Accession Datasheet (see instructions below).
3. Send specimens and hard copies of both the completed Specimen Transfer Form and Specimen Accession Datasheet to:
Dr. Katrina Menard
Manager of Scientific Collections, Invertebrates
Unit 3043, 75 N. Eagleville Rd.
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-3043
Phone: (860) 486-4451
Fax: (860) 486-6364
4. Email Collection Manager Dr. Katrina Menard at to notify her that specimens are on the way. Please attach digital versions of both the Specimen Transfer Form and Specimen Accession Datasheet to that email.
NOTE: Please note that Accession numbers will be assigned when specimens are received.
Specimen Accession Datasheet
Please follow these instructions carefully to allow us to directly upload your specimen data to the database. Failure to follow the instructions will lead to a delay in the assignment of accession numbers.
1. Download the blank Excel Specimen Accession Datasheet above.
2. Enter data into the spread sheet.
NOTE: The Column headers are essential to uploading data correctly, thus do not change column headers; please leave columns for which you have no data blank.
NOTE: Formatting of data in each Column is also essential. The second row of the Specimen Accession Datasheet illustrates the format required for each column. This information is also provided in the Order and Description of File Columns below.
3. Save the file as an ".xlsx".
4. Remember to e-mail the completed Specimen Accession Datasheet, along with the completed
Specimen Transfer Form, to Dr. Katrina Menard at
5. Please include a hard copy of the datasheet and Specimen Transfer Form with your specimen shipment.
NOTE: Please note that Accession numbers will be assigned when specimens are received.
Description of Columns
Specimen Accession Datasheeet
Please leave columns for which you have no data blank
- Current Name Genus: Currently accepted generic name of specimen; may differ from label name
- Current Name Species: Currently accepted specific name of specimen; may differ from label name
- Current Name Authority: Last name(s) and year of publication (e.g., "Carvajal & Goldstein, 1971")
- Label Name Genus: Generic epithet as it appears on label
- Label Name Species: Specific epithet as it appears on label
- Parasite Phylum
- Parasite Class
- Parasite Order
- Parasite Family
- Deposited By: Name(s) of person(s) depositing the parasite specimen(s), where multiple names are separated by a space and vertical bar " | " (e.g., "J. N. Caira | K. Jensen | F. P. L. Marques")
- Identified By: Name(s) of person(s) who identified the parasite specimen(s) (e.g., "J. N. Caira | K. Jensen")
- Original Collection: Leave blank and only enter after contacting collections manager
- Original Collection No.: Leave blank unless instructed otherwise by a collection manager
- Parasite ID Notes: Notes regarding the identification of the parasite specimen
- Type Specimen: Enter "Yes" or "No"; vouchers are not considered types
- Type Status: If a type specimen, indicate what kind of type (e.g., "holotype", "paratype", etc.)
- Kind: enter "slide" or "vial"
- Preservation: e.g., "Canada balsam", "glycerine", "lactophenol", "70% EtOH", "95% EtOH", etc.
- Unique Specimen No.: Unique number assigned to the individual specimen being deposited
- Voucher: Enter "Yes" or "No" and indicate type of voucher in appropriate "Voucher Type" field
- Voucher Type: SEM: SEM Voucher; enter "Yes" or "No"
- Voucher Type: Histology: Histology Voucher; enter "Yes" or "No"
- Voucher Type: TEM: TEM Voucher; enter "Yes" or "No"
- Voucher Type: Molecular: Molecular Voucher; enter "Yes" or "No" and indicate type of molecular voucher in appropriate "Molecular Voucher Type" field
- Molecular Voucher Type: Type of molecular voucher; enter "Hologenophore" or "Paragenophore"
- Life Cycle Stage: the age class or life stage of the individual(s) being deposited (e.g., "adult", "egg(s)", "larva(e)", "juvenile", etc.)
- Sex: Enter "hermaphrodite", "female", "male", "female and male", or "N/A"
- Body Part: (e.g., "whole worm", "proglottid", "gravid proglottid", "scolex", etc.)
- Type of Preparation: (e.g., "whole mount", "cross sections", "longitudinal section", etc.)
- Citation: Please provide a citation for species description
- Specimen Notes: Notes regarding parasite specimen's attributes, including special stains (e.g. PAS), in situ sections, parts of a series (e.g., "1 of 12", "2 of 12"), etc.
- Host Genus
- Host Species
- Host Phylum
- Host Class
- Host Order
- Host Family
- Site in/on Host: e.g., "spiral intestine", "gills", "body cavity", etc.
- Collection Code: Host specimen letter designation (e.g., "BO", "CM03", "VN")
- Collection No.: Host specimen number, which will be displayed by the database with the Collection Code
- Host Notes
- Country
- Primary Subdivision: State or Province name
- Secondary Subdivision: Region, County or Parish name
- Municipality: City or Town name
- Ocean: e.g., "Atlantic", "Pacific", "Indian", etc. [DO NOT include "Ocean"]
- Body of Water: (e.g., "Arafura Sea", "Amazon", "Florida Bay", etc.)
- River/Creek: (e.g., "Frasier River", "Tapajos River", "Eagle Creek", etc.)
- Island Group: Name of the Island group where locality occurs, if applicable
- Island: Name of the island on or near which the locality occurs, if applicable
- Detailed Locality
- Coordinates: Format with degree symbol, minutes, seconds (if known) and hemisphere designation (e.g., 02° 53' 52.16" N, 112° 05' 44.12" E)
- Collection Date: Date host specimen was collected; use format "YYYY-MM-DD"
- Collected By: Name of person who collected the host specimen (e.g., "J. N. Caira | F. P. L. Marques | F.Concha")
- Host Locality Notes
If columns are not in the above format, data will not be uploaded and display correctly!